Check ours out….!
One of the ways I care for myself is washing, toning and moisturizing my face morning and night. It’s part of my routine and my longevity lifestyle. Paired with eating foods from the earth, I use ingredients from the earth to nourish my body — inside and out. #longevitygoals #futurecenturionlife
I do this morning and night...
STEP ONE - WASH: Calendula Bar Soap. Cura.Te soap does not dry out your face like most soaps do. This is because our soaps do not strip the skin of their natural oils. They actually help to give life to your skin. Calendula is especially fantastic because of its anti-properties. It is anti all of these things: viruses, radiation, fungus, inflammation, and bacteria. Score!
STEP TWO - TONE: This package includes our 4 ounce Rose Water Toner. From balancing the skin’s PH, moisturizing dry skin, and strengthening skin cells, to helping with conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema, being a powerful antibacterial agent that you can treat cuts, burns, and wounds with, this product is a little piece of heaven on earth. We've included some organic cotton balls to get you started!
STEP THREE - MOISTURIZE: Rub the Youth Serum on those laugh lines and those areas that show our age a bit too well... Then, gently rub into your face if desired. Our blend of anti-aging oils all infused in lavender flowers makes a recipe for a younger you. Pair with a promising outlook and positive mindset and you’re all set to look 10 years younger in no time!
Cura.Te’s Three Step Facial Routine - get it on ya!
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