That smile….! My mom had the BEST smile!
But many years after this picture was taken, that smile was stolen. A silent enemy creeped up on her and slowly took her smile, her laugh, her daily functions, her memory, her brain...her life.
Every Thursday I send my weekly newsletter email, and I hope that if you haven’t signed up yet, you’ll do that now. Tomorrow I will be telling you more of my story — my mom’s story — in hopes that I can maybe help one person not get the silent enemy that destroyed my mom’s life — may family’s life — ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.
And since my plan is to live a very long and healthy life — to 120 years — and beyond, you know that I have all the plans to keep my brain happy and functioning at 100%! #GOALS
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Here’s what you do:
Wait for the little box to pop-up and BOOM! Put your email address in, and you are golden! I’ll be seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning!
PS - Who else remembers corded phones??
#1980s #1970s #cordedphones #phonesinthewall #oldschoolphones #earlyonset #earlyonsetalzheimers #youngonsetalzheimers #healalzheimerswithherbs #organicherbs #organicherbalblends #futurecenturionlife #howdoyoucurate #lovecurate #cleanestproductsontheplanet #alzheimers #healalzheimers #healalzheimersnaturally #aluminumandalzheimers #heavymetalsandalzheimers #durangocolorado #durangocoloradobusiness #coloradoorganic #durangocoloradoorganic #silica #liveto100 #liveto120 #longevity #centenarian