What’s going on your skin?
Did you know that companies are not required to put all of their ingredients in a particular product on the label? #truestory
Did you know that companies will use a word like “fragrance” to represent a concoction of hundreds and thousands of chemicals? #anothertruestory
We are proud of each and every ingredient we use, and we arecompletely transparent about what goes into our products. We wholeheartedly believe in using ingredients that have life-giving qualities. Each ingredient we use has a specific and positive purpose for being in the product.
At Cura.Te, our goal is to educate you about the ingredients in our products. All of our ingredients are USDA certified organic whenever possible and the highest quality available. Some ingredients do not come USDA certified organic yet are still farmed organic,wild harvested, orfair trade.
There’s no need for fine print here at Cura.Te! Putting the cleanest ingredients on my skin is part of my longevity lifestyle! #futurecenturionlife
What are you putting on your skin (your largest organ)?
Cura.Te - get it on ya!
#cleanestproductsontheplanet #howdoyoucurate #curateforlife #futurecenturion#durangocolorado #coloradoorganic