
Ingredient Spotlight - Citronella

by Cura Team | 12 July, 2019 |

What’s that crisp, lemony aroma that fills the summer air? It’s the yummy (and useful!) citronella. This summer-themed scent is common for keeping the bugs away, but what is it anyway?

Sunscreen Nasties - Avoid These Ingredients!

by Jenny Diehl | 17 June, 2019 |

Did you know that sunscreen is being banned in places like Florida and Hawaii?  Do you know that it is being banned because it is killing off the coral reefs?  True story. Researchers estimate that over 5,000 metric tons (a metric ton is approx 2,200 pounds) wash off s...

Why Do We Need The Sun?

by Jenny Diehl | 17 June, 2019 |

Our perception of the sun has become a negative one. While we are told to stay out of the sun’s rays and wear more sunscreen, the instances of skin cancer are on the rise. I would like to challenge our thinking here.