“If one wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” Hippocrates
Do you wish for good health? Do you pray for good health? Are you ready to make a decision to have good health?
Having good health takes getting rid of the things that are causing the illness. This could be anything from the foods you eat, to what you are feeding your skin. It could be the toxic chemicals you breathe in daily. It could be unforgiveness in your heart — unforgiveness towards someone else, or yourself. It could be lifestyle choices.
It could be what you are saying to yourself. Your words have power. Your words become things. Think on that for awhile!
Whatever it is, if you are ready and willing to do away with the reason for your illness (and maybe it takes some time to find the root cause), then you can be helped.
Just be willing. Be open…. Go deep and find out what it is.
Cura te (care for yourself) today.
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