Created Together with The Smile Enthusiast!

Pretty much one of the coolest things that has happened to me in this world of social media…

Connecting with @the_smile_enthusiast!  This lady is SUCH an amazing person and I am honored to call her my friend and longevity coach.  #goals #futurecenturionlife

To be able to co-brand and co-create a product with her has been so rewarding and fun...check out our Healthy Harvest Fruit & Veggie Wash, and many more to come.

Don’t forget that we also have all of our Medicinal Herbal Blends from @the_smile_enthusiast’s research, knowledge and own self-healing.

To me... to be “Smile Enthusiast” approved is the highest honor.  You see, I know her goal of wanting to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest living human.  Therefore, I know that she is doing every single thing she can to obtain that goal.  Therefore, I know that she is choosing the best and highest path in every aspect of her life.

I am very humbled and honored to have this amazing opportunity with this amazing person… to co-create with @the_smile_enthusiast - it’s a dream come true! - check it out and get it on ya and in ya today!

#smile #smileaerobics #liveto100 #longevity #longevitygoals #medicalmedium #MMprotocol #medicalmediumhealing #heavymetaldetoxsmoothie #toronto #torontocanada #durangocolorado #coloradoorganic #liveto120 #guinnessbookofworldrecordholder #guinnessboookofworldrecords #futurecenturion #centenarian #bluezones #futurecenenarian #durangocoloradoorganic #madeindurango #fourcorners #madeincolorado #healingherbs #organicherbs #canadaorganic #organiclife #cleanestproductsontheplanet