Do We Choose Our Health?

What do you think…?

Let me tell you this — my mom talked about getting Alzheimer’s!  She was afraid of it!  She would verbally say, “I am afraid of getting Alzheimer’s.”  “I am afraid of losing my mind.”  WOW!

Remember when I told you that the thing I felt after the doctor told me I should have a test done to see if I was at risk of getting Alzheimer’s?  I felt FEAR. What if I would’ve taken that test and it showed me that I was at risk?  What if I had that in my mind and that was all I could focus on??

When we focus on something for long enough with strong enough emotions — it usually happens.  That thing can be good, or it can be bad.

If anything, this is the biggest lesson I’ve learned over the years.  My mind — your mind — is a VERY powerful thing.  I chose many years ago to believe that I am going to live a very long and healthy life. #FUTURECENTURIONLIFE

I CHOOSE that belief system.  Then, I make the lifestyle, diet, and mindset choices to support my decision.  This is just me, though… how about you?

What choices are you making today for the betterment of your life on this planet?


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