Do you care if your products are made by a company that isn’t transparent? Or made my machines?
Or it is important to you to know who makes your products?
We here at Cura.Te are proud to be completely transparent about our products — and, about us!
We lovingly hand craft every batch of products. That’s why some soap (even in the same batch!) may look a little different than others. We are human!
So, tell me — does it matter to you to know who makes your products, or is that not important to you?
#curateforlife #lovecurate #howdoyoucurate #cleanestproductsontheplanet #futurecenturion #knowwhomakesyourproducts #futurecenturionlife #handmade #handcrafted #valentinesday #valentinespresents #valentinesgifts #valentinesforher #valentinesforhim #lightupyourday #lightupyourlife #lightworker #durangocolorado #durangocoloradobusiness #durangocoloradoorganic #transparency #completetransparency #transparentaboutourproducts #cleaningredients #organicsoap #makingsoapbyhand #handmadeproducts #veganproducts #organicproductsforhome #organicproductsforbody