When I was pregnant with this guy 11 years ago, my heart fell into unconditional love for him. Isn’t it amazing how that happens? I was already in love…I didn’t have to choose to love him, it just happened.
However, what about when it comes to our own self? Do I really love me, or do I need to CHOOSE to love me?
When I married my husband almost 22 years ago, (I know...I was just a baby!!) I’ll never forget some advice my dad gave us. He told us the day we marry one another, we decide to love one another for the rest of our lives. You may not feel in love every moment but you have a choice to make everyday, he told us. And the day you marry, you are saying you CHOOSE to love one another for the rest of your lives.
WOW! So, it’s a choice. A commitment. I thought I should listen to my dad, who had been married to my mom for nearly 30 years at that point. I guess he kind of knew what he was talking about.
So, sometimes I’ll feel the love, but sometimes I have to CHOOSE to love?
My parents were married for 37 years before my mom passed away and my mom was a giver. She gave to everyone. All the time. But... I don’t really know that she gave to herself.
That whole choice thing came into play (for me) after her death. I was learning about early onset Alzheimer’s and many other diseases, and I also began to understand the importance of caring for myself.
So what does that mean?
I think it means you must CHOOSE to love yourself. You may say, "Well, of course I love myself.” Do you? I’m convinced that some people don't know what it feels like to love themselves.
Friends, we cannot give from an empty cup. We must have a full cup - a cup that overflows with love we can share with others. We give because we are full. We cannot run on empty. And one way to fill up that cup is to love and care for ourselves.
Yep, we must love ourselves...Do you love you?
On a lighter note, speaking of being empty...
Chocolate, anyone?
Once again, Cura.Te to the rescue - haha! Although you may be tempted to eat this Box of Chocolates (yes, they are that good), these chocolates are not for the tastebuds -- they are meant for love and use on the entire body. Our Box of Chocolates is full of love -- for you, or someone you want to bless!
This Valentine’s Day, whether you're promising that you will choose to love someone forever, or you don’t have a special someone yet -- CHOOSE to love YOU. We sure do!
Cura te,